Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training
Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training is designed to provide up-to-date fireline safety information to employees holding Incident Command System (ICS) qualifications. The intent of RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) is to focus line-going personnel on operations and decision-making issues related to fireline safety in order to recognize and mitigate risk, maintain safe and effective practices, and reduce accidents and near misses.
Firefighters who receive initial fire training (S-130/190) are not required to take RT-130 in the same calendar year. RT-130 should be taken each calendar year after.
**This course does NOT include a WCT (pack test). Administration of the WCT is prohibited for liability reasons and AWIMA not holding a MOU.
Per NWCG, non-agency firefighters will be certified by State or local fire departments, or private training providers approved by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) through their local GACC. Federal agency employees should coordinate with their FMO and/or Training Officer to complete a WCT.
Referr to the following sources for more information regarding WCT policy/requirements.
- Work Capacity Test definition
- https://www.nifc.gov/sites/default/files/redbook-files/Chapter13.pdf
What you need to bring…..
IRPG Digital copy on device or bring hard copy
Reusable water bottle
Snacks (lunch provided)
Any medications currently prescribed
Pre-Requisites ***
Recommend students have law enforcement or firefighter experience.
Satisfactory completion of pre-course work
Course Pre-Work & Instructor Contact
Instructors: Ted Hebrard
Contact info@azwima.org with any questions
No pre-course work for this course.