
Crew Boss / Engine Boss (Single Resource)

This is a classroom course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of duties associated with the Single Resource Boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, offline duties, demobilization, and postincident responsibilities.

This is a skill course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of the duties associated with Engine Boss, Single Resource (ENGB). Topics include engine and crew capabilities and limitations, information sources, fire size up considerations, tactics, and wildland urban interface.

What you need to bring…..


Reusable water bottle

Snacks (lunch provided)

Any medications currently prescribed

Completed Pre-work      


Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Red Book)

In an effort to reduce our paper use we are making the Student Workbooks available to download.  If you are unable to download the book, please let us know so we can make sure a hard copy is available to you. S-230 Student Workbook and S-231 Student Workbook



Pre-Requisites ***

- Qualified as Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1).

- Successful completion of S-290, Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior

- Satisfactory completion of pre-course work. Submit completion memo to instructor via email prior to Academy.

Course Pre-Work & Instructor Contact

Instructors: Robert Ortiz

Contact rortiz@highlandsfire.org with any questions and to provide OLT completion memo

Pre-work is now available as an OLT blended version. This version changes the Instructor Led Training (ILT) HRS to 11 and Online Training (OLT) hrs to 3 for a total of 14 hrs. The online portion will have to be taken through the Wildland Fire Learning Portal.

Students can access the online portion of the course at S-230 Crew Boss (Single Resource) (Blended-Online Component) 2023. Enrollment into the online component will require participants to obtain a user account for the NWCG Wildland Fire Learning Portal. 

The first part of the course consists of a self-directed online component which provides knowledge and concepts required to meet the responsibilities of the Crew Boss. Students must successfully complete all units and pass the assessment at the end.  Successful completion of the online component is required to be admitted into the instructor led component of this course.

At the conclusion of the online portion, there will be completion memo.  Students will notify the Instructor or coordinator and provide a digital copy of the online training completion memo to continue with the in-person training at the Academy. Failure to provide this memo will result in removal from the course. 

***OLT completion memo is valid for 90 days after which the OLT must be retaken.